What influences the spot price of gold?

What influences the spot price of gold?

The law of supply and demand provides the simplest explanation. When buyers want to purchase gold, sellers may raise prices, which prompts buyers to place a greater offer. On the other side, if sellers outnumber purchasers, buyers who are trying to buy gold may make lower bids, which may drop prices. Of course, a variety of factors that impact the supply/demand balance can have an impact on current gold prices. The closest month's gold futures contract with the highest volume serves as the basis for the real spot price of gold. This month may be the front month, the closest month, or it may be one or two months away.
What influences the spot price of gold?

Investing demand for gold may increase during times of economic or geopolitical turmoil. For instance, during times of conflict or geopolitical turmoil, spot gold may possibly rise. From an economic perspective, a stock market crash or bear market may potentially result in more people buying gold.

The spot gold price may

be significantly impacted by interest rates and monetary policy. Due to the reduced opportunity cost of storing gold during periods of ultra-low interest rates, gold may experience benefits. On the other hand, given that gold does not pay dividends or interest for keeping it, gold may experience pressure when interest rates increase. Another important factor influencing the current gold price is the currency markets.

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